Fantastic hand-picked directory of the very best, free resources for creatives

Makerbook is a hand-picked directory of the very best, free resources for creatives, designers, art directors and makers of digital products.

The site features a curated list of over 65 websites where you can easily download free, high quality stock photography, psd mockups, graphics, textures, stock video footage, icons, sound effects, fonts, music and colour swatches.

All the types of things you, or your design / marketing teams need to create and market digital products like presentations, websites, apps etc.

I put the site together for myself ( a marketing / creative / designer ) and of course for other folks who want to check it out and save themselves some time and money when it comes to getting down to marketing and making your digital products.

I'll be adding new resources as I come across them and anyone can also submit them by clicking on the 'submit a resource' button.

Check it out, I hope you find Makerbook helps you out with all of your creative needs.
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