The Secret Door

What's behind the Secret Door?

At Safestyle we fit hundreds, in fact thousands of doors every year, and it got us thinking...there must be some pretty interesting things behind those doors.
We quickly started thinking about what exciting things you may expect to see behind some of those doors and what we would put there. Before we knew it we were talking about all sorts of things, many of which seemed to only have a place in science fiction!
The idea of "what" we would put behind the door quickly became "where" would we put behind a door and the concept of a Secret Door that could transport you from one side of the world to another in a blink of the eye came to mind.
Making doors comes naturally to us however this was no ordinary door...Despite trying as much as they could our expert team at our factory just could not master teleportation, so because teleportation is the stuff of the future, we decided we had use tools of the future! The Internet seemed like a pretty futuristic piece of technology so we gathered our best Internet minds together and came up with the Secret Door.
We've been surpised at how many people seem to like our thinking and so far have had thousands of people from around the world trying out the Secret Door and with over 50,000 tweets it's fair to say it comes highly recommended!
So without further ado, take a look at the Secret Door, our most popular door to date and see where it will take you!
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