Can you earn $50 per click from Google Adsense is that true? Yes
it is. Today i have brought a great tutorial for you where you will
learn how to get $50 per click from Adsense by just following my little
secret you can increase your Google Adsense income. well you may have
seen bloggers that work hard and
hard for there blogs but there are also
some people who works hard but also plays smart. If you work hard and
as well play smart i mean keep balance in both of them then success will
kiss your feet.
Doing blogging and working 24/7 for your websites to create unique
and fresh content by working really hard getting nice amount of traffic
and making some income from advertisements but have you ever thought
that you can increase your Adsense income by just a simple and very easy
method. I think your answer is NO, ahan well do not worry because today
i will show you a very easy method from which you will generate more
traffic as well as you will increase your Google Adsense CPC.
How To Get High CPC from Long Tail Keywords
Well if you get targeted traffic to your blog or website you will
also be earning more income. Similarly if you use more high cost per
click (CPC) keywords in your posts and articles you will make more
income from Google Adsense. But now the question arising in your mind
will be how to find these long tail keywords? Well not to worry about
that because below i will tell you how you can find Long tail keywords
and high CPC keywords from which you Google Adsense CPC will increase
and also your Adsense income will increase.
HitTail is an awesome tool which is used for finding the best
keywords for your blogs. HitTail lets you find High CPC keywords and
also long tail keywords. This too will let you know about your current
traffic stats and will recommend you long tail keywords to improve your
website traffic as well as it will increase your CPC and Adsense income.
SemRush is also a great tool which is similar to HitTail it lets you
find High CPC long tail keywords and makes it simple for you to do work a
lot easier. Many Popular Bloggers use SemRush for getting High CPC
keywords for thier posts and they are making increase in thier Google
Adsense Income.
How To Use SemRush For Finding High CPC Keywords For Adsense
SemRush needs some tools which are listed below. You need to have these tools before using SemRush.
- Microsoft Excel or Google Docs Spread Sheet for the management of keywords.
- Create an account on SemRush and they will give you a 14 day free trial if you liked this tool you may purchase it for using it in future.
- The third thing you will need to do is you will have to find some good websites that are realted to your websites niche.
The next page that will appear in that you have to click on organic
keywords > Full list so as i have searched for the keyword
(worriorforum) it will show the keywords that are giving traffic to the
Worrior Forum website as you can see in the image below now you have to
click on the CPC tab to sort out the list of the given keywords by that
you will find the High Cost per click keywords in an order. An amazing
thing that you are going to find below in the image is that most of the
high CPC keywords are long tail keywords and you can see that the
highest CPC keyword below in the image is $71/click.
Now collect all the keywords in a list which are related to your
websites niche. So if you have to get High CPC keywords by searching
other sites that are related to your websites niche you have to repeat
the same process as we have done here. Now you have the most Highest CPC
keywords and now is the time that you should use these keywords in your
websites or blogs and with the passage of time you will see an increase
in your Google Adsense CPC and income.
Remember that you use plugins for optimization if you are using wordpress just because your content should be SEO Friendly.
Well the method that i showed you today is the best method for
increasing your Google Adsense Cost Per Click (CPC) and getting increase
in your Adsense income. Well with the passage of time you will see the
results changing as you will have increase in your Google Adsense
Earning. I hope you liked and understood this article clearly if you
have any problem please ask me and i will love to help you.
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